Buying local whenever possible is extremely important not only for the great quality, but also for being a good community partner. Much of the produce comes from right here in the Sammamish Valley which we are a part of. If we are unable to source it locally, we source within our state. This helps with our carbon footprint and provides our guests thr truest flavors of what this region has to offer.
- For animal proteins, we try and source through our state of bordering states. Sometimes we outsource on specific breeds because the flavor and texture isn't quite what we are looking for. When it comes to seafood, we try and stick to Pacific Coast species that are very fresh and flavorful.
- Food material is sent to Cedar Grove for composting and then returned to us for use in our gardens which saves on garbage in the landfills.
- In each of our kitchens, all our used oils are given to a local bio-diesel company to extend their life cycle.
- Executive Chef Joel Childs is interested in focusing on integrating our indigenous peoples into his cuisine. He plans on taking field trips and speaking with natives for a better understanding of their cuisine and introduce Pacific Northwest tribe dishes to the Barking Frog restaurant. This is something that means quite a lot to him personally and he feels it is our responsibility to provide our guests with flavors and education from the people that have occupied our region long before industrialization.